foto RdK


di 8 okt en wo 9 okt

For English see below

In MOVEMENTS OF SOUL verenigt YAV de dynamische werelden van dans, muziek en mode, en crëert zo een unieke en immersieve ervaring. YAV kiest er bewust voor om deze creatie niet te beschrijven, om onze vooringenomenheid en conditionering te bevragen, aangezien we vaak verstrikt raken in het onderscheid tussen boodschap en boodschapper. 

YAV moedigt bezoekers aan om de performance op hun eigen manier te verkennen en te interpreteren, om zo gesprekken aan te wakkeren over hoe we kunst ervaren en begrijpen. MOVEMENTS OF SOUL is een kans op een gelaagde, individuele beleving. Het is een reminder dat kunst niet altijd woorden nodig heeft om betekenis over te brengen – soms komen de diepste gesprekken voort uit het onuitgesprokene, het niet-gescripte, en prachtige ambiguïteit. 

In MOVEMENTS OF SOUL, YAV brings together the dynamic worlds of dance, music, and fashion to create a unique and immersive experience. YAV has deliberately chosen not to describe his piece to question our preconceived notions and conditioning, as we often find ourselves entangled in the confusion of distinguishing the message from the messenger. YAV encourages viewers to explore and interpret the performance in their own way to spark conversations about how we perceive and understand art. 

MOVEMENTS OF SOUL is an opportunity for a layered, individualised experience. 

It's a reminder that art doesn't always need words to convey meaning—sometimes, the most profound conversations arise from the unspoken, the unscripted, and the beautifully ambiguous.


concept, productie, choreografie en uitvoering YAV
styling YAV
kostuum Bodil Ouédraogo
tekst K Yav Mbwamb, YAV
met dank aan Simone Zeefuik , Bijlmer Parktheater, Cherish Menzo, Nicole Geertruida, Courtney May Robertson, Brandon Maceo, R.Dk

Meer over de makers

Yav, originally from Congo, is a singer and songwriter, producer, movement artist and model. Throughout the years Yav has worked as a dancer with various choreographers in the contemporary dance field.  Mid-2018 he started his career as a choreographer. YAV was featured as an artist for VOGUE, NL, I-D, GLAMCULT and NUMERO NETHERLANDS.  

In 2020 he was mentioned in the 'NRC TOP 101 LIST' upcoming talent in the category Dance.  Since mid-21 Yav started composing his own music for his own projects. Yav worked as a model with brands like Armani and Marc Jacobs. He also took part in BLACK IS KING, a film by Beyonce, as choreographer and dancer. Yav also worked as a movement director for Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger and  Daily Paper. August '21 he premiered his latest performance work Movements of Soul. The work got selected for AEROWAVES.