The Chord
vr 25 apr20:00Klein Bellevue
standaard Standaard € 18,75 CJP € 12,50 Pay what you can € 9,50 € 9,50 Student € 13,00
Wanneer Meysam een kleine jongen is, komt zijn zus om bij een huisbrand. Tenminste, dat is wat hem verteld wordt. Maar hij heeft nog andere herinneringen, diep verborgen, die niemand wil duiden: hij herinnert zich de gekwelde bekentenis van een jonge vent in een gevangeniscel. Er wordt gesproken over een internationale arrestatie en het ophangen van vier mannen op het dorpsplein.
The Chord is een Iraanse familietragedie en moordmysterie. Het vertelt het verhaal van de veerkracht van vrouwen en de traditionele machtsverhoudingen die deze tot het uiterste op de proef stellen.
In 2021 creëerden Meysam Forooz en co-creator Sahand Sahebdivani de voorstelling Four Weddings and an Iraanse Funeral, over de levens van Iraanse homomannen. Na de première op het Amsterdam Storytelling Festival speelde hij deze voorstelling op nationale en internationale podia.
When Meysam is a small boy his sister dies in a house fire. At least, that's what he's told. But he has other memories stashed away which no one will explain: He remembers the anguished confession of a young man in a prison cell. Talks of an international arrest and the hanging of four men in the village square.
Now that he's an adult, and most of his family is gone, will those who remain tell the truth which has been hidden from him?
The Chord is an Iranian family tragedy and murder mystery. It tells the story of women's resilience
and the societal bonds which test it to the limit.
In 2021 Meysam Forooz and co-creator Sahand Sahebdivani created the show Four Weddings and an Iranian Funeral, about the lives of Iranian gay men. After its premiere at the Amsterdam Storytelling Festival he played on national and international stages.
Meysam Forooz vervlecht het verschrikkelijke verhaal van zijn zus met een hoopvol Iraans epos.
makers Sahand Sahebdivani, Meysam Forooz
performers Meysam Forooz, Raffi Feghali
music Bence Huszar
techniek Jugal Bhindi
Meer over de makers
Actor and storyteller Meysam Forooz is a graduate of the Mezrab Storytelling School. Many of his stories are based on his life in Iran, the country he fled in 2014. In 2021 he made his first solo with co-creator Sahand Sahebdivani, Four Weddings and an Iranian Funeral, about the lives of gay men in Iran. The daring piece played on Dutch stages as well as during Europride in Belgrade.
Sahand Sahebdivani is one of the founders of the Mezrab Storytelling School as well as an accomplished performer. He won the Amsterdam Fringe Gold award in 2017 and since 2018 he is the co-artistic director of the Amsterdam Storytelling Festival. Sahand also has an Iranian refugee background, which makes him the perfect partner for the work of Meysam.