The Distant Word
do 21 mrt20:30 - 21:45Grote Zaal
Sahand Sahebdivani is de zoon van een Iraanse revolutionair en blaast leven in zijn oude verhalen van verzet en vlucht. Verhalen die - helaas - weer zeer relevant zijn. Deze experimentele non-lineaire vertelvoorstelling ging eerder in première op Oerol en kreeg een warm onthaal, onder meer vanwege de unieke vorm waarin de verhalen aan het publiek gepresenteerd worden. De voorstelling is na de recente opstand in Iran herschreven.
Stories don’t die. They keep living in us, like echoes that keep reverberating between the high mountains. When the father stops telling stories, his son has to carry on. The Distant Word is an attempt by storyteller Sahand to keep his father’s stories alive, years after his revolutionary ideals extinguished. Together with the audience he makes an attempt to imagine himself in the Iranian mountains, or in an old prison, in a typical Dutch landscape. Do the stories still tell us anything today? Isn’t it easier to finally leave them untold, especially now that Sahand has become a father himself?
Het verre woord is een liefdevolle ode aan zijn vader en een boeiende inkijk in het leven van een communistische revolutionair tijdens de Iraanse Revolutie
Meer over de makers
Sahand Sahebdivani (1980) is the most known storyteller of The Netherlands. In 2004 he founded the Mezrab, which has since grown to become one of the most important storytelling stages of the world. Sahand arrived in the Netherlands as a refugee of the Iran-Iraq war at the age of three. The experiences of him and his family have been the basis of the majority of his work.